Best CMD or MS-DOS promot command which every hacker should know
if you have been following this page regularly,chances are you are very verstile hackers in your right and dont need to know to these commands.But many of the readers who are beginners and want to know learn hacking always ask us for the post for the top Dos promot (C:/or CMD commands in Windows in 7/8.1) they should know.So go here ;
CMD is a power tool which lets you do almost anything with your PC/laptop.There are commands like CD,and MD etc.which you probably knows so we wont get into that.Here are some really useful things a hackers can do with CMD commands.Network Connection and right click and select PROPERTIES .Then select TCP/IP and click PROPERTIES again.Now click on ADVANCED and WINS DEFAULT for NEBIOS,Now back to main local area connection window,select file and print sharing for MICROSOFT NETWORKS and hit enter.
This is just to make sure you have fun with NWTYBIOS on CMD.In case ypu dont know how to get CMD by clicking the Window iconn at the left hand bottom of your screen in all Window version and click to START,then type "cmd" without quotes.
Now here are some important commands which every wannable hacker ahoul know;
net view
net use
In case you dont know some of them,then just type the command on CMD and hit enter.A little help will show up on screen.Read it out undestand what that perticular command does.
Lets start easy....
1) PING: This comamnd will allow you to know if the host you pinging is alive,which means if it is up up at the time of executing the "ping" command.
ping x.x.x.x.(x is IP adress). You can try pinging which belongs to Google
( is a website you want to ping, but you dont know the IP)
2)NSLOOKUP: This command has many funcyionalities.One is resolving DNS into IP. Lets say for swebstite URL but dont know the website URL but you knows its IP but you want to find it out .
Eg. NSLOOKUP is the website for which you want to find ouy the IP)
set type =mx (enter)
This commands will give you the mail server IP of can use whatever server you want and if it is listed in DNS,then you get an IP .
Simple ,isnt it? You can send a spoofed email to your friends using the IP adress od the mail server.You can check this
3)_TRACERT: This comamnd will give you the hops that a packet will travel to resch its final destination.This command is really helpfull iif you know the route a packet takes before it goes to the target box.
tracert x.x.x.x. (x is the IP)
or tracert
( is a website you dont know the IP )
4)ARP: This command will show you the arp table.You can find out id anyone has done arp poisoning in your LAN using this command
5)ROUTE: This comamnd will show you the routing table ,geteway,interference and metric.
6) IPCONFIG: This comamnd will shows you a lot of usefull things like IP :Gateway,DNS is use etc..This command will give all that into but for all network you might have it
Also, in case you have a dynammic IP and want to change it,then type...
ipconfig/release (this will release your IP)
ipconfig/renew (this will renew your IP)
7)NETSTAT: This command will show you coonection stats
netsat -a (this will show you all the listening ports and connections with IP address)
netstat-n (this will shows you all with an open all the open connection with IP address)
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